In every industry the requirements to adhere to Health and Safety guidelines mean inspections, audits and recording data is important – but Facilities Management sees more of this than most. It sometimes feels that the increase of red tape and H&S documentation is a full time job in itself, making sure that records are kept, checks are made and everyone is complying to the regulations – and keeping all of that information to hand can take up a lot of time and space. In fact, the teetering towers of files and paperwork can be a health and safety risk in themselves if we don’t have a good system!
Health and Safety Gone Mad

This year has been one of the most significant when we look at the measures we need to go to for health and safety and protecting our workforce and the people who use the facilities we manage – especially if we have a large portfolio of locations and facilities being used by multiple services users, members of the public and varied workforces managing different projects. Auditing and cross checking every aspect, recording these inspections, updating the team and maintaining records at head office so that each aspect is covered is time consuming and can be a real pain – all the more so in 2020.
The extra steps we’ve all needed to take to maintain standards of cleanliness and safety through the Coronavirus pandemic have created a lot more work, and it’s more important than ever to maintain an effective and efficient system for these records, so that you can evidence that you’re protecting people and adhering to contact tracing if someone should become unwell.
It’s a headache, and it’s a lot of pressure on the teams who need to complete and process these inspections and audits – and the responsibility for H&S regulations being adhered to from Government and organisational guidelines at every level eventually falls onto the shoulders of the ground level workers tasked with the job day to day.
Make it easy on them – and on your back office team who need to maintain and collate all of this information – by investing in a system which can give all the information at the touch of a button, communicate it in real time, capture and evidence data with photographic inputs if any issues arise, immediately allocate remedial work to the right member of the team and streamline your processes in one easy to use, mobile ready app.
Health and Safety is at the forefront of all of our minds as the restrictions of lockdown begin to lift, and we are all moving back into the workplace with an eye on the safety and protection of anyone using that space. Businesses and FM teams are seeing a huge increase in demand for these processes, and in the transparency of the process – meaning that the demand for simplicity in digitised systems is increasing exponentially.
Protecting yourself, your team and your customers has never been easier thanks to the Mobiess Health & Safety  Audit App.
Health and Safety may have gone mad – but thanks to this one-stop digital system, which can be tailored to capture the specific data you need and immediately communicate it with your existing back office systems, you and your workers don’t need to. It’s never been easier to maintain your H&S records. Contact us today to find out more.

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Karl Horner