Asset Inspector: Effectively Capture, Audit & Manage Your Assets

There is no doubt that finding the right mobile asset survey software for your facilities management business can be a difficult task. Whether you are a property owner with a small number of buildings or a commercial asset collection agency with engineers who run multiple projects, each with hundreds or even thousands of properties, Mobiess Asset Inspector is the solution for you. It is a multi-project, multi-site asset audit and collection tool, designed to help organisations of all sizes maintain increased control over their assets and maximise the return on investment.

Effectively Capture, Audit and Manage your Assets

With Asset Inspector, you can collect asset data faster, more efficiently, and with a greater level of consistency and quality than any paper-based method.

At Mobiess, we understand that the initial survey is only the beginning of any asset management process. Often, maintaining your asset register is more costly and process intensive than the initial data collection phase. With this in mind, Mobiess offers two additional products, designed to help you simplify and streamline the long-term management of your asset stewardship.

Firstly, the Mobiess A-Track application is a lightweight asset update and auditing tool that provides multiple channels through which you can simplify and share the update workload. By completing a cost-effective asset form, your staff and supply chain partners can update your assets in real time. Using “live link” lookup technology like NFC tags, barcodes, and QR codes, staff can view existing asset data, update conditions, operating status, and any other important data they may need.

With the capacity to support any data maintenance programme, A-Track is available as a standalone product or can be integrated into our Service Master app.

Secondly, Mobiess offers a Refrigerant Tracker Module that enables you to extend the benefits of your investment in the collection and maintenance of your asset register. Using the same live link lookup technology as ATrack, your engineers and subcontractors can access information about the last leak test conducted on your refrigerant gases, view the history of an asset, and report any leaks they notice. They can also record all losses and additions.

By moving away from paper forms and on-site logbooks, you can effortlessly keep a central record of all your refrigerant gases, automatically calculate your CO2 equivalents and equipment GWP, and use the dashboard to review your corporate risks.

With a digital platform that your whole team and supply chain can access, information is shared in real time, asset updates and additions can be completed and distributed as needed, and compliance and audits can be stored with photographic evidence as well as any additional supporting information.

Stop wasting time, money, and effort by investing in asset management tools from Mobiess and get used to having all the information you need at your fingertips.

Call us on 0203 411 1795 or email us at [email protected] to discuss your specific requirements and find out how we can tailor our asset management platform to meet your needs. With Mobiess, you can revolutionise your company’s asset stewardship.

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Daniel Horner
I am a digital marketing specialist responsible for managing the integrated campaigns, product marketing, content creation and brand awareness of Mobiess.