E-forms are electronic versions of any paper form. In the service maintenance industry, these forms are crucial for achieving the compliance records so vital to record keeping and communicating the information with clients.

We know that transition from paper to e-forms can be challenging and complex, that’s why we have created a guide for Facility Management businesses to implement electronic forms and see significant improvements in data collection and processing in 5 easy steps: Planning-Process-Quality-Delivery-Data.

5 minute Guide to e-forms

Using modern mobile technology to upgrade your systems to e-forms will significantly improve the quality of your data and increase efficiencies in your organisation.

The most important question before you begin the transition is this: what benefits are you hoping to achieve? Do you want to be more efficient? Improve the communication and processing of data? Reduce costs? Ensure the consistency of audits and compliance?

Simply collecting this data and filling in forms is not the point of this process. It’s what you do with the data you have collected that will make a difference to your organisation.

Following the five steps identified in this document will help define and control your e-form strategy. Correctly implementing your software will give you a simplified working process. Your team can easily gather ­­­and share information, report issues in real time, provide photographic evidence with notes, and compare information with previous inputs and reports.

To download the free 5 Minute E-forms Guide click here.

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Karl Horner