Take a look at the apps, systems and technologies you are using in the workplace. Every task has a form to fill, a system to input and data to process – and all of these pieces of information need to speak to each other and be collated – which can be exhausting…and expensive. Do you know how much your organisation are paying for all this tech?
Are You Paying Too Much for Your Apps?

Technology has changed our lives in a great many ways – from how we access our entertainment, search for answers, keep in touch with our friends and families, book holidays and even do our shopping. It’s also opened up a wealth of systems and information processing which have simplified and streamlined the world of facilities management – which is where we want to look at more closely; specifically – the high costs some companies are charging for these technologies, and how we could give you flexible, affordable solutions that are tailored to your needs.
A lot of the apps and systems on the market weren’t specifically designed with facilities management in mind – but they were made cumbersome enough that, with a squint of the eye and a bit of fiddling, they could be used in an FM environment – if you ticked the right boxes.
This adoption of hosted software, apps, servers and – at times – whole IT platforms, usually with a name like SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, DaaS, MaaS – all of which sound like sheep with the hiccups! All of these advances, brought in to simplify processing and the data that FM requires to be managed on a daily basis, mean that everyone who works in facilities management has been working with at least one system – and it’s common to see rental, rather than ownership, which protects the FM organisation and their investment as technologies continue to develop and evolve.
Initially these were embraced on the basis of monthly payments and scalability of pricing and capability; however, many organisations are now finding that they are locked into long minimum term contracts – and that those value-based pricing models that secured the deal don’t align with their needs.
We believe that Mobile Application Software companies need to align their pricing to what their customers need – to ask what they want, and deliver that at a price that’s practical, with no hidden extras, no complicated contracts. That’s why our SAAS pricing is modelled on giving you exactly what you need at a price that matches your budget.
For those not in the know, SAAS means software as a service – and it’s a model that you’ll have come across before; but we do it better. We don’t tell you what you need, and make you shape your workload to our product; we ask what you need, and make it happen.
True software as a service is a powerful way to get the data you need at your fingertips – and actually get value from processing that data. More than box ticking for compliance, the data is a powerful commodity which can improve your facilities management systems, simplify the day to day processes your team carry out, improve timescales for information sharing, and save money on wasted time and inefficient workloads.
SAAS underpins everything we do at Mobiess; this is available in a range of pricing models, and you can choose the option which best suits your business needs. Options include:
Pay As You Go: which is exactly what you’d think it is; if you don’t use it, you don’t pay for it. This can underpin all of our pricing models, and is how we start every conversation with new clients.
Short Term Contracts: Many companies are project based – meaning there are peaks and troughs in their workflow, and so a long-term financial commitment can cause issues, with cash flow and staff commitments to manage. You spoke, and we listened; all of our pricing models can be underpinned with a monthly rolling contract and, when you combine this with the Pay as Go Model, companies can really start to reduce their SAAS pricing.
Tiered Pricing: When you understand what functionality you do and don’t need, and have a specific number of users, we can produce customised pricing specific to your needs.
Alternative Pricing: Pricing based on designing a specific, tailored product is becoming popular where the usage and benefits of a system can be closely linked to something important and central to the business processes it is being used for. This specific product may be the number of assets collected, the number of work orders processed or number stock items audited, the ‘thing’ in question is not important; what is important is that it helps companies to align the cost per transaction, to assess the value of the product to their organisation – and see the value of their investment.
If you want to hear more about how we can provide tailored, value-based pricing and make your organisation a smart data company with our products, get in touch.
Call now to see how we can help mobilise your field staff and  processes, and drive smart data into your business  using our highly configurable e-forms and auditing platforms ; call today on 0203 411 1795 or contact us to request a demo of our systems, and let us start your path to collecting smart data.

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Karl Horner