When your organisation maintains a catalogue of products, for internal use or to sell to customers, it’s important to maintain a proper and up-to-date record of products. How many you’ve ordered, how many you’ve used or sold, what’s still in the stockroom, and many other factors which need to be considered.
Stocktaking Has Never Been So Simple

You can’t run an effective business and manage your costs, compliance and storage facilities without keeping an accurate record of that stock.
Stocktaking can be a huge job – or it can be as simple as scanning a barcode and letting a mobile app manage the counting process.  You might not have a robotic warehouse which sorts, stores and processes your stock, but you can still make maintaining your records far simpler than the clipboard and data-entry systems of yesteryear.
For a low monthly cost with no upfront fees and a simple rolling subscription, you can streamline your stock counts. One database can hold counts for various stores, vans and facilities to help simplify the collation and access of stock audits. This enables simpler identification of what stock is needed where and reduces the man hours necessary for implementing these processes.
In times gone by, stocktaking meant large teams of employees pulling an all-nighter to count and sort products. Followed by even longer hours manually processing the results with data entry to submit final counts to management.  All of this was affected by human error, input mistakes, expensive overtime and complicated, arduous tasks.  An entire process brought dread into the hearts and minds of the workforce.
Our systems take all that dread away – freeing your workforce up to focus on the tasks that matter. Audit your stock levels with a simple system that’s easy to understand, and even easier to utilise. Reduce your costs and limit the risks of human error, no matter how big or small your organisation.
Call today on 0203 411 1795 or use our online contact form to get in touch. Ask for more information, a quote or a demo – and let us take the stress out of your stock control.

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Karl Horner