In every industry there are times when it feels like work is being done just for the sake of doing it – and nothing measurable or important seems to be achieved. Many times, in the past, auditing has fallen into that category – but we know that auditing is far more than a box ticking exercise.
How important is this audit?

Audits – whether they are health and safety, stock control or compliance audits – all serve a vital purpose. This can be keeping your workforce safe, protecting your assets, or properly documenting your finances – and whichever you’re being asked to complete, rest assured that the information included is vital to the proper performance of your organisation – if it’s processed and managed effectively.
What is an audit?
An audit is a collection, collation and assessment of information – all of which is used to ensure that businesses are being properly managed, processes properly followed, and the company are abiding by legal and safety processes.
For most people, an audit means an examination of the company’s finances – but this isn’t always the case. An audit is carried as a systematic and independent examination of processes and implementation. Audits were once great behemoths of information, particularly in an organisation with multiple sites across the country who all needed to submit the information to head office – where it was arduously collated and filed neatly away. This information may or may not have been assessed to identify areas where improvements could be made – but this meant that a team of people had to plough through the information and understand what they were seeing, and then slowly roll out these suggestions to external teams who may or may not interpret the suggestions well.
Just the word ‘audit’ can bring a seasoned professional to their knees, haunted by the memory of long hours flicking through dozens of printed pages on a clipboard, attempting to input the right data in the right spaces, and confused by the many options and questions being asked.
Modernising auditing processes
Modern auditing doesn’t have to be this way – and with our streamlined, Insight Platform you can tailor the data to precisely provide the information you need, ask the important questions, and collate that information in a way that streamlines the whole process – putting the things you need to know quite literally at your fingertips. Skipping an audit to save time puts your team at risk, increases the chances of stock being misplaced, costs your organisation money in time and compliance failings, and runs the risk of endangering lives, and incurring fines or even prosecution, should the worst happen and your lapse in compliance be identified.
It’s not worth the risk. Don’t let your audit be a headache – and don’t let it cost hours of your team’s working day, or stress and expense in processing baffling data. Streamline the process from beginning to end – and get the information you need in a timely, simple, straightforward system which keeps your data secure, pulls out the vital aspects to improve your working routines, and save money in implementing simpler processes at every level.
So – how important is this audit? Put simply; very – and we can make it easy and cost effective; call today on 0203 411 1795 or visit to request a demo of our systems, and let us take the stress out of your audit.

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Karl Horner