Investing in a mobile workforce management solution is a considered decision – when you’re thinking about this kind of investment you have to accurately measure the benefits and the return on investment it will bring.

But what things do you need to consider?
Collect the Right Data
As with so many things, data has the answers. The right data will determine whether it’s a sound investment and will allow you to measure the improvements that a mobile workforce management system will bring to your day to day business.
Identify Costs
Before you invest, consider what it is that you’re hoping your system will do and what cost and time savings you are anticipating from the system long term. Identifying these costs early on can give you a baseline from which you can accurately measure savings and how quickly the benefits of your investment show return.
Have a Contingency Budget
With every investment in new software and devices there should be a contingency budget included for lost or damaged devices in the field, and ongoing maintenance costs for the system, as well as the initial outlay.
Reduce Administration
The benefits that your mobile work management solution can bring include financial savings, but also process improvements and streamlining of communication – which can reduce the number of administrative staff you need for back office functions.
Measure Investment
Most systems should come with reporting tools or provide you with the raw data to help you measure your investment. Make sure your mobile workforce management solution provides unrestricted access to the original data to ensure you can adapt your ROI reporting as your organisation matures.
The main benefit of any mobile workforce management system is the automation of manually intensive processes. Ensure at the outset that you prioritise and identify the critical processes that can bring the most benefit to automation. Process streamlining not only means that your business can reduce the number of administrative staff required to run the business smoothly, but can also reduce the time taken to process orders, create opportunities and increase the number of jobs completed each day.
Reduce Errors
Automating many processes has been proven time and again to reduce errors, streamline processing and improve record keeping – all of these not only lead to cost savings but reduce the time it takes for your workforce to deliver on services and products, and simplifying their workload. This means that your staff are more efficient and that you need less people to perform daily business tasks. Less mistakes are made, with better communication, meaning that your customer base is happier with the service you provide.
Improved Data Analysis
All mobile data can be measured. Make sure you know what data you wish to collect and what the benefits are. Understanding the benefits of the data will help you decide which mobile work management system is right for your business. Understanding before you invest which areas of your business you want to improve means that you can more accurately measure the improvements in these areas once your system is fully implemented.
For help how to choose the right mobile CAFM application, check our post Not All Mobile CAFM Applications Are the Same.

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Karl Horner